YouTube vs. Women

YouTube is a large part of my life and it’s an incredibly interesting platform to me because it can be a rather personal and thought-provoking place on the Internet. YouTube has changed quite a bit since it’s start and it’ll probably keep changing. But what I’d like to focus on in this particular post is […]

On The Art of Lettering

I have a few rules in my life that I try to live by. One of the main ones that I’ve been working on lately is being okay with trying (almost) anything. This rule hasn’t gotten me into any trouble in my life but it has gotten me into some interesting places and experiences. I’ve […]

But It’s Just a Game

Video games aren’t at the top of my to-do list everyday but since it’s summer time I have had more free time to play some of my usual games. Because Pokemon Go was just released yesterday out on the App Store and Play Store in the United States, I did take some time to play that […]

A Series of Serious Parodies

I’d like to openly admit that I don’t like watching the news on cable television or watching news online. There’s a lot of reasons for this. I often find cable news to be either depressing or vastly uninteresting because of the types of stories that these shows choose to run. There’s also been a lot […]

One Dollar is Not Equal

The most recent documentary that I have watched is called Living on One Dollar. The film followed the story of a group of college-aged boys who went to rural Guatemala and lived off of just one dollar per day for a period of two months. Can you imagine that? One dollar a day? For two months? This […]

Of Inara and the Women of Firefly,

This is Inara Serra. Inara, played by Morena Baccarin, is one of the main crew members featured in the show Firefly. The paper I read this week, “‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore” by Dee Amy Chinn, focuses on the character of Inara and her role in the larger scheme of the show Firefly. Chinn argues that despite […]

14 Episodes in (almost) 1 Sitting

I don’t watch many TV shows. It’s hard for me to keep up with the episodes and it seems like most shows have 7, 8, or 9 seasons which I just don’t have the attention span for especially if the show is still running, making episodes faster than I tend to watch them. So it […]

Three Acts in One Post

Act One: The Story of Radio This picture is, quite honestly, what I usually think of whenever someone asks me, “Do you listen to the radio?” But according to the This American Life’s 100th anniversary episode, titled Radio, radios are far from being as outdated as I seem to mentally think they are. This particular episode, also […]

Looking for a Lifeline

This is the cover of Papa Roach’s 2009 album titled Metamorphosis. For this post I’m going look more closely at one of the singles off of this album. The single that I’m going to focus on is called “Lifeline”. It was the second single off of the Metamorphosis album. I chose this song partly because it’s a song that’s […]

Made Magazine Perfect

Magazines can be found everywhere, from the checkout line at the grocery store, to the airport kiosks, to your friend’s coffee table, and even your neighbor’s bathroom. And because magazines have such a wide stretch of land in our lives, they also have a significant impact on us, in both potentially positive and potentially negative ways. […]